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LOBO- the last Immortal Czarnian

LOBO- the last  Czarnian (the most ruthless bounty hunter of the Universe)

Place of origin: Czarnia

  Abilities: Superhuman senses, Strength, Speed, Stamina, Durability, Immortality, Genius-level Intellect, Cloning, Red power Ring.

"Part of his immortality comes from being banned from entering either Heaven or Hell and so can never Die.... ever"

 Lobo is a Czarnian with exceptional strength and fortitude. He enjoys nothing better than mindless violence and intoxication, and killing is an end in itself; his name roughly translates as "he who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it." He is arrogant and self-centered, focusing almost solely on his own pleasures, although he proudly lives up to the letter of his promises – but always no more or no less than what he promised. Lobo is the last of his kind, having committed complete genocide by killing all the other Czarnians for fun. Lobo unleashed a violent plague of flying scorpions upon his home world, killing most of its citizens. In one instance, Lobo was declared immortal; after he died and went to Hell, he proved too much for the demons, and when he was then sent to Heaven, he wreaked so much havoc that he was permanently banished from the afterlife.

Some Fun Facts of Lobo  
  •  Lobo’s name has a couple of different meanings, depending on who you ask. In comic orgin ‘Lobo’ means ‘He Who Devours Your Entrails And Thoroughly Enjoys It’. But in Spanish and Portuguese Lobo mean - 'Wolf'
  • Technically its not a power but an ability, Lobo can change his hair color according to his will or mood.
  • His power may also be somewhat connected to his anger (and potentially to how drunk he is at the time)
  • This is one of my favorite, Lobo can Regenerate from a single drop of Blood. Once he has previously managed to regenerate a whole army of Lobo's out of different drops of blood when he was killed by parademons.
  • Lobo is literally immortal, he's been kicked out of both Heaven and Hell which makes it impossible to die.
  • Lobo is a man of words- Once he give his words for any contract he never fails it to accomplish.
  • He will be seen in the future movies of DCEU.
 So hope ou guys like my post on one of the most famous Villain/Anti-hero of DCEU "LOBO". So if you want me to feed you all with similar kind of content please follow my Blog and keep your love and support coming.
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