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Batman HellBat Suit

Batman HellBat Suit

Hello everyone! when I was a kid I had a massive interest on 'Super Heroes' stuff which didn't fade with time, rather it grew as one of my major Interest. So here I am starting a blog where I will be providing some unique facts, orgin, fights between two of our favourite character and tons of SuperVerse stuff.

                                 Today I am going to share and speak about the most powerful and destructive armour of one of the most popular, intelligent and personally one of my favourite character of DC Universe - "Batman's HellBat Suit'.
Hellbat armor is a suit made for Batman by Justice League so he could stand up to massive threats with them.
Hellbat is a very risky suit that Batman only uses when everything else fails, it’s his last resort suit because the suit kills him when he is using it, it’s fueled by the users metabolism. Bruce Wayne designed the Hellbat armour for the purpose of being able to engage with large scale threats. The armour was built with the help of his teammates of the Justice League.

  • The armour was forged in the sun by Superman, and was built with the help of Green Lantern who was working on the wings that grants the Hellbat armour the ability of flight, The Flash who was testing the armour and shows that it can handle even Speed force, Cyborg who equipped the armour with advanced technology similar to his own but with voice command, with the help of Aquaman and Wonder Women contributing for a purpose Batman knows all to well about.
  • It also has invisibility which is undetectable by people with super vision and super senses.
  • The suit drains energy from Batman's metabolism and Batman could die if he use the Hellbat for a long duration.
  • However Batman can remain in the suit for as long as he wants, as long as he can eject selected elements of the armour in order to prolong his life with in the Hellbat, such as the helmet and the gloves and other materials.
  • The armour is extremely strong, fast, durable and possesses regenerative ability and Batman was able to defeat Kalibak and and an army of parademons with it and later wiped the floor with Darkseid.
  • Also, the Hellbat was able hold up against the eradicator (powered by millions of Kryptonian souls, Superman and Krypto the super dog) that too with an inexperienced and untrained person like Lois Lane using it.
   So, that's all for today- if you like my blog and wants to know more about this kinda stuff please follow and support my blog 'SuperVerse'.
                                                                ___ Peace
